Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Confessions of a Product Junkie

Hi, my name is Kel, & I'm a product junkie.

***HI KEL!***

Y'all, I knew I had a problem, but I didn't think it would ever come to this.

My lease is up in a few months and I plan on purchasing either a house or condo.  I promised my mother that I would spend part of my spring break going through my closets & drawers to find items to purge so that I would have less to pack when I do move.

Getting rid of things is relatively easy for me.  I grew up in a house where if you left something unclaimed for a few days, it WOULD get thrown away because, as my mother STILL quotes to this day, "Material things don't get you to Heaven!"

Anyway, after going through my clothes & books twice (SEVEN bags worth of donations & a trash bag of discards), I decided to tackle the hair collection in my closet.  The last time I moved, I can't remember how many boxes/bags of hair goods I brought with me.  My friends thought it was hilarious.

I took what was in my closet & put it on my full-size bed.  I was embarrassed & appalled to see that my hair products almost filled up my entire bed!

Clearly, there were some painstaking decisions to make.

For instance, my homemade tracks & hair spray. I was the maid of honor in my cousin's wedding a few years ago.  She wanted everyone to wear their hair down, so I had some tracks added that clipped in.  Then I got nervous that the hair wouldn't match my color, so I bought some spray.  My cousin found out about the spray & wouldn't let me use it.

Or what to do about this electric hot comb?  I went to college in Oklahoma, where there was a shortage of Black people, Black hair salons, Black beauty supplies, etc.  I bought this my freshman year of college before I had a car to get off campus & travel to a decent beautician.  Obviously, this is before I decided to go natural.

How could I get rid of this stocking cap?  Don't judge me.  You all KNOW you have a stocking cap made out of one of your mama's (or your own) stockings.

And last but not least, HAIR!  I need to have my own side business slingin' hair!  I got everything!  Afro-kinky! Outre remy! Toyokalon! Brown, black & red!  What do you need?!?!?!?!  I gots it all!

Ok, so clearly it was time to let go of some things, especially since I have not had my hair pressed in over a year & have not had it regularly pressed in about 6 years.  So I said goodbye to my tracks, spray, hotcomb, and a myriad of other things.  Out of all the fake hair, I did keep the afro-kinky, because it matches my current texture & I never know when I am going to need a filler.  I am proud to say though, my collection shrunk significantly.  Woo-saaaahhhh! :-)

Hopefully my mama will be proud!


  1. Wow....but I can relate i.just gave my husbands Mom like a ton of was shameful....

  2. Wow, I had no idea. I still keep a few non natural products around, but slowly transitioning to bentonite clay, olive oil, castrol oil soap and black soap. I will probably find a few other natural products in the near future when the full transition is made, but wow you got me beat by far. lol
